Tess (Theda Wytchwood)
I have been in the virtual world of Second Life sense 2006. I got into fashion right away, i joined many fashion groups,even created my own. I helped the less fashion savvy residents with a makeover and the broke noobs to look their best even with little to no L$. I still have a habit of doing these things on occasion
Besides my love of fashion, i love SL photography. I started taking classes as a noob in 2006 and learned the basics. Then over the years i started experimenting with different things and discovering new tricks for better photography.It was only natural loving both photography and fashion that i would eventually want to be a blogger.
On my previous avatar i a fashion blogger for about a year. I Then began playing around with creating my own stuff. Nothing special, but it was fun. I got bored one day and decided to log in an alt and play dress up. Then i had some ideas for a side project. Before i knew it i was spending more and more time on this av with my new project. Soon i made the decision to leave my old av behind for the most part. I do log in on occasion to handle some business related things, but this is now my main av.
I started my blog July 2013, but i have more experience with blogging than this current blog.
The thing thats better this time around is my photo quality. Back on my other blog i had an older computer, couldnt use shadows or the highest settings. Now im able to do the quality photos and posts i knew i was always capable of and im happy with this blog.
I have my own particular style of blogging. usually i like everything to be neat and clean in photos, and not a cluttered scene. On occasion i do enjoy using my home for photos especially when i have just went to some event and bought a ton of new home decor items or if its holiday season. Also im usually a solo blogger, but sometimes im in the mood to grab a friend or 2 to do photos with me.
About my style. I wear any sort of style. What kind of blogger would i be if i didnt? Boring. lol.
So dont be afraid of sending me something to blog because you are worried the style isnt me. I will however not blog something because the quality isnt up to my standards. I guess im a bit of a snob when it comes to quality.
Shorty (immmavampire Resident
Shorty has spent much of her SL as a club hopping music addict. She started blogging with her own blogs. Then she was asked by her sister to join her in co-blogging asd a way to keep things more fun and to share creative post ideas.
Shortys current goal is to eventually open her own store. She is learning to use photoshop to create cosmetics, and to texture clothing. Its a process, but she will get there.
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